Native instruments battery 4 size
Native instruments battery 4 size

Despite me having hooked up the physical HD that I bought assuming it would take the pain out of the installation process, it then proceeded to download everything again even though it recognised that the HD was present and correct. So I figured that having gone to the trouble of hooking it up, I might as well give the NI thing a go then. I didn't bother to install it and intended to sell it on as unopened if I could, but then I was finally forced to concede defeat in my bid to remain offline as something else I had bought required a windows update. My DAW pc was not even online at this point and never had been - something that I intended to stick to and had steadfastly avoided buying anything that required being online. I'd had other NI things before that were easy enough to install offline and there was a deal on so I bit thinking all would be as I was used to. I also got caught with the NI Access thing when I bought Komplete 11. Helpful support from Native Instruments 5 words that I didn't know went together. After that I launched Battery and it was no longer in demo mode, so Native Access automatic authorizating apparently worked. To authorize Battery I had to run the disfunctional Native Access, which didn't display properly and crashed shortly after launching. After a bit of downloading, etc., I had the Battery 4 installation files which installed easily and quickly. The guy was helpful and supplied me with a link to 2 ISO files. I asked whether an offline installation for Battery was possible.

native instruments battery 4 size native instruments battery 4 size

It installed ok but didn't work properly, so I contacted support on the NI website.

native instruments battery 4 size

So I went ahead and installed the installer "Native Access". I hate online installations and I might have changed my mind about sticking with NI if I had read the blurb earlier. Unfortunately I skipped over reading most of the info on the website and completely missed the bit about installation of all current NI products now being online only. After being a regular user of Battery 3 for over 10 years, I decided that it was about time I upgraded.

Native instruments battery 4 size